25.10.2021 Altai. Aerated concrete production
At the end of 2020, a private entrepreneur from the Republic of Altai came to our company. He had had some experience in producing aerated concrete with the help of other manufacturer’s equipment which did not give him any chance to manufacture high-quality product as it had a low throughput and required a lot of manual labour.
So, when planning to expand his production, to improve the quality of his products and to move to a new level, he looked through offers from many Russian manufacturers and visited their facilities. As the result, after visiting our running production line in Novosibirsk, he decided in favour of our company thanks to high level of production flow automation for chemical additive batching, cutting blocks into bricks, dismantling of moulds and palletizing. The entrepreneur approached a leasing company to finance the deal, this company ensured comfortable leasing terms and conditions under the state support programme for small business.
In autumn 2021, a new line manufactured by Siberian Constructing Technologies was brought to operation, process flow patterns for production with local materials were perfected, and high-quality aerated concrete according to GOST requirements is now being manufactured.