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Compare quality of blocks obtained

Considering various options for equipment for sawing cellular concrete with the help of strings, chains and circular saws, it is necessary to take the following into account:

- cutting a massif with strings is possible only with a certain plasticity and low strength of a material. If the massif is "overexposed" in time, it will not be possible to saw it with a string. When the string collides with a hardening in the massif (large particles of sand, lumps of cement) during the sawing process, the string becomes "led away". In the process of sawing a plastic massif with a string, trimmings are not taken out of the cut, but remains on the walls of the block, due to which quality of the block surface reduces, whereupon, such blocks often sticks together in the sawn massif. When using string cutters, an undercut of the massif occurs from below.

Photo after string sawing



- sawing of massifs with chain saws significantly increases the cost of finished blocks. At the cost of a chain saw set of about 10,000 rubles specified by manufacturers of such equipment, the resource of these saws is approximately 50 m3 (data of the equipment manufacturer). The cost of sawing 1m3 is 200 rubles. Moreover, for supply of massifs for cutting, additional grippers and a telpher, or crane beams are required in production. Sawing is performed in the same plane as well.

- when sawing cellular concrete with the help of circular saws, additional grippers and a telpher, or crane beams for moving massif are also required in production. In this case, the size of massifs is limited by the diameter of a saw blade, so curing of such massif is slower. Forms for massif formation for sawing using circular saws should have an ideal geometry, since a massif is sawed only in one plane (vertically) and a finished block has only two sawn edges, the geometry of the remaining faces is directly dependent on quality of forms.

Today, the most optimal and effective solution to this issue is usage of cutting complexes equipped with band saws.

ARK-003 Automated cutting complex and Automated Cutting Machine ARK-004, developed by our company, is universal, because it allows cutting various cellular and lightweight concrete (foam concrete, aerated concrete, and polystyrene-concrete). At the same time, the result of sawing, i.e., geometric dimensions of blocks and quality of the block surface correspond to the highest standard requirements (Category 1 in accordance with GOST 21520-89).

Sawing of massifs is performed by band saws in vertical and horizontal planes. In the process of sawing in both planes, massifs does not need to be moved or tilted, during the whole sawing cycle a massif is on the base of aform, which is steadily fixed on the rail track by means of a special gripper.

The absence of operations related to movement and canting of a massif allows having minimal effect on integrity of the massif, while sawing the massif is possible at any stage of the strength gain. Control of a cutting complex is carried out from the control panel by single operator.

The resource of band saws during the sawing process of aerated concrete, foam concrete, or polystyrene-concrete, according to our company's statistics, ranges from 600 to 1500 m3 depending on an inert aggregate used and density of a material. Taking into account the cost of a band saw from leading manufacturers (USA, Germany), sawing aerated concrete, foam concrete, or polystyrene-concrete will cost from 10 to 20 rubles per 1 cu. m.

Thecutting complex is easily integrated into any existing lines of other manufacturers. In this case, there are technical solutions that allow sawing of massifs with dimensions of 2400x600x300 mm. Usage of the ARK-003 automated cuttingcomplex allows you to obtain high quality blocks, whereupon, solving the following problems: sawing a massif is possible at any stage of strength gain, you will not depend on the curing time of the massif.

The technology of sawing massifs with band saws ensures production of blocks of any sizes with an accuracy of ± 1 mm, and surface quality that meets requirements of standards. Usage of the ARK-003 cutting complex allows reducing the amount of rejects due to the accuracy of sawing, allows excludinga large number of manual operations, increase labor productivity, reduce the staff of workers (the complex is serviced by 1 operator).

The work area of ​​the complex is supplied with a form base with a massif ready for sawing. The vertical module is first to work. It performs sawing by given sizes, as well as trims the massif from two sides.

When the sawing is completed vertically, a horizontal module starts the work. Sawing of the massif horizontally is performed;an offcut is sawn off and the bottom layer is cut.