New level of automation of production lines
Since 2000, the core business activity of our company has been to create state-of-the-art and hi-tech equipment for manufacturing light-weight and cellular concrete blocks.
When we started our business, the common technologies and equipment were poorly performing and labour-consuming. For keeping up with the market requirements, our company has been developing and implementing more and more cutting-edge production systems and quality control. The needs of our clients focused on improving productivity and quality while reducing operators’ efforts and cost of products produced drove the creation and offering of production lines on an absolutely new level.
After scrutinizing the market, we realized that the key issues you face when operating equipment are its low quality and throughput, which do not correspond to the stated ones, as well as high operators’ efforts due to low automation. While the first issue relates to the competence and decency of an equipment manufacturer, the second one related to low automation was resolved by our company with the help of the unique ideas and inventions.
Our experts have designed, made and tested a new generation production line in real time with the maximum automation level which corresponds to the European standards and is unprecedented. The core concept is to minimize manual labour and eliminate human factor.
The line has fully automated feeding and batching all the raw materials (including chemical additives), making a mixture, casting, moving, stripping, assembling, cleaning, and greasing moulds, cutting a monolith, as well as putting blocks onto pallets and packing finished products. A number of studies has been performed resulting in the production technology improvement and streamlining composition, new comprehensive chemical additive has been developed, which has helped reduce finished product cost and improve the grade strength of products.
Brief description of the automated line operation:
1. Making mixture
Water is dosed into the mixer with the help of an electronic water batcher. Then, with the help of a weight controller, raw materials are loaded into the weight batchers (according to the formula, depending on te type of the material produced). After that, the raw materials are unloaded into the mixer, mixed and the mixture is made. In real time, the operator monitors all the processes at the mixing section. When needed, the operator can correct or amend the current formula, mixing time and other technological parameters at the control board.
2. Shaping a solid monolith
The ready mixture is unloaded into a metal mould. The mould is filled at one go.
3. Monolith ageing
After casting, with the electromechanical pusher, the mould is moved along the rail tracks to the thermal treatment chamber where the monolith gets its stripping strength. The time required for getting the stripping strength depends on the type of the material produced, density, cement activity, temperature, etc.
4. Mould removal
After the stripping strength has been gained, the mould is moved from the thermal treatment chamber to the stripping section with the help of the pusher. At the stripping section, the mould is placed on a transfer cart and is moved to the unit where the walls are opened or closed. Then, the walls of the mould are opened automatically. After that, the monolith is placed onto another transfer cart and is sent to the ground where it is cut in the A plane. At the same time, the mould is cleaned, greased and assembled. These processes are automated. The assembled and greased mould is sent to the casting section.
5. Monolith cutting
The monolith is placed onto the cutting ground. Then, the monolith is cut in the A plane. After cutting, the monolith, automatically, turns 90о. After turning, the cutting unit butts the monolith. Then, the monolith is moved to the next ground where it is cut in the B plane. After cutting the monolith in the B plane, the ready blocks are placed over a pallet with the help of a grip. The ready blocks are wrapped in a film with the help of an automated pallet packer.
All the operation stages are cyclic.
6. Steam curing
Depending on the climatic zone and type of the material produced, blocks packed on pallets can be gaining the grade strength either at the finished product store or during extra steam curing.
Distinguishing features and advantages of the production line:
1. Automated procedure for control over production steps.
The line encompasses the technical solutions which admit full automation of feed and batching all the raw materials (including chemical additives), making a mixture, casting, moving, stripping, assembling, cleaning, and greasing moulds, cutting a monolith, as well as putting blocks onto pallets and packing finished products. There are no equivalents with the same level of automation in the Russian market.
2. Lowest people’s efforts
Operating personnel is equal to 5 to 6 people. No hard manual labour.
3. The actual throughput per shift (8 hours) is equal to the stated one.
4. The fastest possible circulation of moulds.
The mould can be used in 4 to 6 hours after casting in the next cycle (depending on the material produced). Besides, the mould is absolutely ready (cleaned, greased, and assembled), which helps improve the performance.
5. Wide range of manufactured block dimensions.
The cutting line encompasses the unique technical solutions which enable you to adjust block dimensions quickly in an automated mode. The block dimensions correspond to GOST requirements, both for the autoclaved and non-autoclaved cellular concrete.
625*250*200 600*300*100
625*250*250 600*300*200
625*300*200 600*300*300
*Other dimensions are possible.
While cutting, all the sides of the monolith are cut, which helps get high-quality block surface and precision of geometrical dimensions.
6. Blocks are laid automatically, in accordance with the standard, onto pallets with the size of 1000*1200 mm.
7. After being put onto pallets, the blocks are wrapped with a film with the help of an automated pallet packer.